RASPI - Metering Unit


  "python": ">=2.7"

Set up your environment

Install prerequisites

# cd into raspi
cd raspi

# optionally use a virtualenv
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
virtualenv .env
source .env/bin/activate

# python deps
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

For the included c-scripts and python-scripts you will need these additional Libraries:

Compile Sensor scripts

# cd into raspi/sensors
cd sensors

# compile scripts in raspi/sensors


# run
python run.py

# run config server
python run.py --config

# run emu sensor script (for test usages)
python run.py --emu

~/.loggrrc example

scripts_path = sensors/

token = aGeMPZ94TH7lrHc2skUn3zv6RTXPhPjeUO7Ipw86GC6QjM9mDYfUs1xr4pKXKw0F
userid = 558855605a227a206cedcf55

temperature = temperature.out,Wohnzimmer,grad_celsius,-270,200,10
brightness = brightness.out,Wohnzimmer,lumen,0,210
humidity = humidity.out,Wohnzimmer,percent,0,100,10
pressure = pressure.py,Wohnzimmer,hectopascal,900,1100,10

url = http://loggr.stkn.org/api/